At the 8km mark, the water was clean, but the current was moving in a South-North direction again. Ideally, we wanted a different current, so we spent another 40 minutes searching for the Aghullus current. Eventually, we had to opt for a conservative 10km reverse swim again.
Once more, it was a tough call to make, but we had spent too much time searching for a suitable current. In addition, we were headed into a Northeast wind that was to pick up by 10 am. At the GPS marker 10km south of our start point yesterday, I hopped in and started swimming. The water was warm, blue, and full of jellies again. They do keep me entertained due to their mesmerizing qualities. Now and then, I get shocked awake by the occasional sting too.
Despite the light East wind, I made good progress. I maintained my pace at just over 12 minutes per km. Today we had Libby, the freediver, on the boat, and it was great to have her support. John threw her in the deep end when he got her on the kayak so that he could swim for a bit. Unfortunately, after 15 minutes, she was stung on her bum by a bluebottle. After prolonged sitting on the bluebottle, she had to get out. While swimming, I saw Sarah attending to her, and on the next feed, I noticed she was on oxygen.
Things can happen quickly out at sea. Even if I am alright, one of my teammates can go down. So, we must be fully kitted out and prepared for anything.
The oxygen was prophylactic as the sting had started moving towards her groin and was causing cramps. A few minutes later, I too, was stung on my hamstring. After 30 minutes, I had a dull cramp develop. At that point, I was not overly concerned. Yet, I started to feel my inner thigh near my groin become tender. I only had 1400m to do, so I pushed through. Once back on the boat, I took some antihistamine and by that point, you could see the line of poison running up my leg!
Getting stung is inevitable, especially in warm water. It is painful (with some being more painful than others), but if a jelly hits you in the wrong place, it can be a big problem.
I have various welts and red marks all over my arms and legs and the chafe on Day 3 is prominent under my left arm. Yet, I felt so comfortable in the water. I did, however, swim into a chop.
The wind did pick up in the last 15 minutes of the swim, so our timing was good. Again, John did such a fabulous job dodging bluebottles for me.
Once we got back to Durban, it was already after 12 pm. We packed up, ate, and did some interviews before resting.
The plan for tomorrow is to be on standby for a possible swim as it depends on what the wind does. With yesterday’s recovery by ice and sauna, today will be some time in the chamber.
Day Three Stats
Day 3 stats:
Start time: 7:50am
Finish Time: 09:50am
Pace: 12:13/km
Distance: 10km
Start location: S 30 09.652’ E30 55.841
End location: S 30° 05. 340 E 30°58,995
Water temperature: 25-26degrees
Water quality: clean most of the way 10m visibility
Sights seen: jellys and blue bottles
Stings: many
Calories: 2082(during swim) 4583 for the day
Strokes: ?
Weather: sunny