
Be the Change

People often ask me ‘Why Breathe?’ ‘Why the ocean?’

I have always had a passion for water. My relationship with water has grown from paddling (as a child) to becoming a national, competitive swimmer.

Despite retiring from competitive swimming, I always knew I’d stay involved in swimming and continue my relationship with water.

The ocean covers 70% of the Earth’s surface and plastic makes up for nearly 70% of the ocean’s litter! We cannot survive without the ocean. It regulates the climate and gives us life. If we don’t protect it, we will die.

The more I see and read about our oceans, the deeper my desire and advocacy for protecting it grows.

I use my God-given gift of swimming to travel the world: organising swims and educating people about our oceans and plastic pollution. I do this through my non-profit organisation, Breathe.

Breathe has already partnered with ‘A Plastic Ocean’ and is the first organisation to screen the plastic ocean documentary in South Africa. Breathe has worked with ‘I am Water’, ‘Four Elements Conservation’ and The Dominoe Foundation in organising various projects where we promote beach cleanups and ocean education.

We have also educated various retail stores about plastic pollution in our oceans and are proud to say they jumped on board with our cause:

  • Local Spar stores now use paper bags.
  • Afros no longer use straws
  • Surf Riders restaurant

Breathe continues to spread this key message, “Live Deeply, Tread Lightly

Find out how to Educate your Staff on living a Plastic-Free Life!

live deeply, tread lightly

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