Yesterday was a rest day. I woke up at 5:20 am and got to work on some admin and sponsor requests before doing an hour-long podcast interview with Alex Macphail. Breakfast with two of my mates who came up for the night, Caron and Kirsten, followed. They will be joining me on Day 11 of swimming! I am quite excited. Mandy Koegelenberg also visited with her daughter, Kirsty.
We had a great time chatting and then went to the beach so Caron, Angelika and Kirsten could go for a swim. I just chilled on the beach before a light lunch and then more admin. It was, unfortunately, a lot less restful than I had planned as I had to figure out budgets and follow some leads on sponsorship.
We went to Mantis and Moon for a quick drink before an early dinner and packing prep for tomorrow’s swim.