by | Aug 10, 2018 | Travel

Gosh, this last week feels like it was long ago, although I fear I may have skipped a week?! Anyway, if I did, I apologise, I blame it on the travelling, possible jet lag and distraction of being in a foreign country with a very different concept of time and routine! I did have a good week of rehabilitating myself back into an exercise regime which made me very happy!

Sunday started with a short hike which was 80% uphill! It definitely elevating my heartrate which didn’t drop for at least 2 hours after the hike L the terrible signs of being unfit.
Monday, I got to use a bicycle at the rowing and cycle next to the rowers while they raced 2km, I ended up doing a total of 12km! On Tuesday, for some bizarre reason, I was inspired to run around the field at our accommodation! I set myself the goal of doing 3 laps. It took just over 7 minutes and I finished off my training with 8 minute abs, gluts and 10 push ups- total time- 20 minutes. I spent Wednesday doing a 12km cycle with the rowers racing again and that is the last time I did any form of exercise besides walking around the main Games village and stadium and spending another 32 + hours travelling back to SA.

I’m preparing to face the reality of ‘normal’ life again

Next week I plan to try and be a little more consistent with my exercise regime while listening to my body. I plan to just do light, fun exercise to get my body used to it again.
Today, I am resting after a long tour and preparing to face the reality of ‘normal’ life again!

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