We have prepared a three-month intensive training programme whereby candidates will attain a Marine Guide (NQF2) qualification endorsed by FGASA (Field Guide Association ofSouth Africa)
Digital educational material for restaurants to put on their menus. Posters for patrons to read. In-service training to educate businesses on a plastic-free way of living.
Tuck-Shop Project in Schools
We are setting up a program to make school tuck-shops more sustainable: eliminating plastic water bottles and installing refillable water stations are just the start
Recycling Guide 101
Here are some helpful tips on how to recycle!! Find out what can and what cannot be recycled.
Philocaly Trail: Day 4- Blythedale to Zinkwazi
Today we had to pack all our food and luggage for the next 3 days as we were going to be staying in Tugela Mouth resort for the final 3 days of the swim. I had tried to keep things as simple as possible with minimal traveling and moving from place to place. Luckily...
Philocaly Trail: Day 3- Sheffield to Blythedale
I woke up early on Monday and the first thing I did was check my heart rate. It had already dropped by Sunday afternoon but I was still worried it may have shot up again. Thankfully it had normalized I was clear to swim. My voice was much better and today was a...
Philocaly Trail Day 2- Rest sick day
I had a solid 8 hours sleep and woke with a high resting heart rate. I didn’t feel fabulous but figured I could swim. I wanted to swim but I was also aware that this was only day 2 and the longest day of the series (28 km from Umdloti to Sheffield) I did not want to...
When a friend of mine sent me a poster advertising the trail, my first thought was that I would swim the 1st leg- Durban to Umdloti. I have been wanting to swim that route for a long time so I thought this was the perfect opportunity. I was finally feeling like I...
Swim Against Plastic, by Toto
Date: 15-03-2019 Collaborations: Navy, Hanga Roa Hospital, Nanaky yacht -Nautica Rapa Nui, Kayak Rapa Nui, Hotel Hotu Matua, Discover Agency, People on board: Sarah Houston, Rentia Denissen, John McCarthy, Marta Vigoroux, Hian Schneider, Juan Gustavo Ogaz, Te Manu ko...
Swimming RAPA NUI
An Eyewitness account of Sarah Ferguson’s world first circumnavigation swim of Easter Island -By John McCarthy Contents Prologue The end A big idea Wiping the slate clean Show time Mataveri Kavi – Kavi, the Birdman ceremony The three bays Tangariki Mata Te Pari The...