
Eco-friendly Grooming Products

Eco-friendly Grooming Products

Purchase eco-friendly soap, shampoo bars, bamboo toothbrushes and toothpaste from Michelle Cogle. Conventional toiletries and beauty products are expensive and harsh on the environment. Grow your family's green footprint by changing the items in your bathroom today!...

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Plastic-Free Starter Kit

Plastic-Free Starter Kit

Are you starting your journey to a more sustainable, environmentally friendly lifestyle? Ecoboks can help. They have prepared lovely plastic-free starter kits which are perfect for home or office use! There really is no excuse to start eliminating plastic waste today!

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Glass & Bamboo Straws

Glass & Bamboo Straws

We do not promote single-use items even if they are not plastic, so paper straws or biodegradable straws are not a better or long-lasting alternative. However, The Green Straw Company are doing a great job and have some fab glass and bamboo straws on offer if you...

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Stainless Steel Straws

Stainless Steel Straws

By now, you may have noticed that restaurants and other establishments are slowly, but steadily moving away from the use of plastic straws. We are excited about this transition and hope that the retail market will continue to embrace the change! However, how amazing...

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Fresh Bags

Fresh Bags

One of the easiest ways to decrease the use of plastic in your home is to reduce the number of items that enter your home in plastic packaging. Instead of buying pre-packaged food such as fruits and vegetables, choose to use a strong, durable and re-useable FreshBag...

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