By now, you may have noticed that restaurants and other establishments are slowly, but steadily moving away from the use of plastic straws. We are excited about this transition and hope that the retail market will continue to embrace the change! However, how amazing would it be if we could adopt this habit at home too?
Unlike glass straws, stainless steel straws are perfectly safe to use, even around children. The straws are easily rinsed, dishwasher safe and can be cleaned with a brush is preferred.
When you purchase a Stainless Steel Straw from us, you help us to fund our Last Straw campaign and other initiatives.
Our straws come with a cleaner and carry bag but can be purchased separately. They are branded with our logo and additional straw cleaners or bags can be purchased.
Get your straw at Beauty Within at Lion Match Factory Shop. Trish or Phindi will be happy to help!