Day 29 was another rest day. Yesterday was, thankfully, a productive day. We headed to Port Alfred school to give a talk to both the high school and junior school. It was great. I love seeing young kids so intrigued and involved in conversations. They are our future...
port elizabeth
One Ocean Swim Day 25
I woke up on Day 25 after a fabulous sleep. Albeit, I woke reluctantly at 5:15 to get going for another day out at sea. My body had recovered pretty well after yesterday’s Epson salt bath, nap and a short massage of the niggly right arm. My niggles are starting to...
One Ocean Swim Day 24
Day 24 – but day 6 of being out of the water! At the start of this day, we were all more than ready to get back into action. We have been in PE since Friday, staying with our incredible hosts, The Withuhns. Kim, Denzil and Josh have been phenomenal in accommodating...
Who said training would be easy?
Blue bottles, vomiting, massive swell and bumpy seas awaited me in a 5 hour training swim this weekend. I came to PE to give a talk and decided to use the opportunity to stay for the weekend and get some colder water training done. The plan was to swim for 5...